Meet Nadia Elmagrabi

As a Psychotherapy Informed Intuitive Guide specializing in Past Life Regressions, Nadia helps women embody their most authentic selves by releasing what is no longer needed, tapping into their innermost wisdom, and deeply connecting to their soul essence.

Through Past Life Therapy, Human Design, Quantum Healing, and more, she works with her clients to explore who they are, who they were, and who they are becoming - from a panoramic view. 

Connecting the dots between the past and the present enables these women to identify what to bring forward and what to leave behind so they can live a life where they are genuinely expressed and full of joy.

So often, we go through life weighed down by old trauma, cords, and limiting beliefs. In working with past lives, we can rewrite the Akasha and heal generational trauma. It allows us to bring forth the wisdom of our ancestors into our current reality; that way, we can move forward confidently from a place of truth and inner knowing.

The work that Nadia does with her clients has a significant impact on their relationships, primarily their relationship with themselves. They go from not knowing how to get their needs met in relationships to experiencing nourishing and satisfying relationships even with those who were challenging them before.

Nadia’s Background

Nadia’s childhood didn’t include much connection to religion or spirituality. She was raised by a Christian mother turned agnostic and an Islamic father in a predominantly Christian culture. Her experience of religion was that it offered rules; it told you what to do and what not to do, but she never understood why. Everything seemed so arbitrary.

Then, at the age of 20, she experienced a spiritual awakening; it was during college that she pulled an all-nighter to study for an Asian Literature class. At approximately 3 a.m., while reading the Bhagavad Gita, a deep knowing ignited within her. She felt her whole body being zipped up by cosmic light and now refers to it as when her chakras came online. Since then, she has been on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and exploration of all things metaphysical.

That night, as she was reading the Bhagavad Gita, she suddenly understood the why behind the Ten Commandments. She understood why she should try to be the best person she could. And finally, she felt like she had a real aim or focus for her life. She felt immense gratitude for her existence and an inner knowing that it truly mattered what she did, thought, said, and focused on. From that point forward, she’s been working towards becoming the best person she can be.

After that fateful night, Nadia became aware of synchronicities and was magnetized toward experiences that opened her mind to different versions of reality than she had previously known. In reading ‘Perfect Health’ by Deepak Chopra and the works of Edgar Cayce, she began to understand that it mattered what she ate and put into her body - both physically and spiritually. And when she learned of reincarnation, she knew in her bones it was true. From then on, she could tell if something was true by the way it deeply resonated within her being. And she began to allow her body’s knowing to guide her through life, sending her on a journey to heal her gut, her physical body, her mind, her relationships, and her spirit. That was 30 years ago…

Now, in addition to her partnership with her husband and raising two amazing children, she is devoted to helping other women tap into their most profound truth so they can live the life they were meant to.

She’s been trained in bodywork, holistic health coaching, psychotherapy, shamanic healing, Human Design, and more. Today, most of her work centers around past lives and Human Design, as she’s found these to be the most powerful tools for deep and lasting healing.


Nadia Elmagrabi received a Master of Arts in Clinical and Humanistic Psychology from the Michigan School for Professional Psychology.  She completed a 2-year Certification in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute. Nadia has practiced Clinical Psychotherapy for over 20 years. 

In addition to her clinical practice, she underwent 6.5 years of psychoanalysis and years of personal development work, which has led to an in-depth understanding of herself as a multidimensional being. This understanding enables Nadia to sit with and hold space for people and whatever they bring to the table. There are no bounds to what one can experience in this safe container. 

Nadia graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where she learned innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques, and over 100 dietary theories. She’s also a Certified Massage Therapist and practiced bodywork for over 15 years. 

In 2019, Nadia trained with internationally known Past Life therapist, researcher, and author Carol Bowman. Nadia completed an Intuitive Practitioner Certification Program with the Sacred Balance Academy. She is immersed in deepening her understanding of herself, friends, family, and clients with Transformational Human Design with Emma Dunwoody.

Nadia’s training has been cumulative, each new modality building upon what came before. Early on, she envisioned working with clients holistically, incorporating the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of self and being. Each training has equipped her with the understanding and expertise to work with people by taking a multidimensional approach to support them in their healing process.


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